
Toxoplasmosis, the cat disease dangerous for humans

Testing your cat for Toxoplasmosis is important, even more so if there is a pregnant woman in the family

Toxoplasmosis is an infection caused by parasite Toxoplasma gondii , a protozoan that requires a host organism to survive and reproduce.
It can infect various mammals, including humans, but it is the cat to be the “definitive host” as well as the main transmission vehicle of the disease.
THE apartment cats who remain within the home obviously run few risks. Cats that instead have the habit of entering and leaving the house can contract the infection more easily , for example by hunting infected mice, small birds (even on the terrace!) or by ingesting the eggs of the parasite present in the environment.

Symptoms of Toxoplasmosis infection

In the cat the disease is generally symptomless. However, puppies or cats with compromised immune defenses may experience disorders such as fever , vomit , diarrhea , loss of appetite , numbness , respiratory problems And neurological .
Also in man Toxoplasmosis is mostly asymptomatic, except sometimes a little fever and tiredness. The main risk is for pregnant women : in 40% of cases, in fact, the infection could be transmitted to the fetus .

Toxoplasmosis: maximum attention for pregnant women

As a rule, Toxoplasmosis infection occurs in humans orally . This can happen by inadvertently bringing your hands to your mouth after clean the litter box or have come into contact with a land where cats usually do their business .
If someone contracts the infection pregnant woman , the consequences could be very unpleasant for the unborn child .
In the first trimester of pregnancy, Toxoplasmosis can cause the most severe damage including miscarriage , neurological damage i, injuries to organs such as the heart, lungs and vision .
As gestation progresses, the possibility of contagion increases, but the fetus is more resistant to the infection and the percentage of serious repercussions is drastically reduced.

How to reduce the chances of contracting Toxoplasmosis

When you are in sweet wait , there are some fundamental rules to follow to avoid contracting Toxoplasmosis.

  • Clean the cat's litter box as soon as possible, wearing i gloves , and then wash
    your hands carefully
     (but the ideal would be to delegate the task).
  • Feed the cat only with cooked meat or packaged foods , as raw meat can carry the parasite.
  • Wash fruit and vegetables well : a cat may have contaminated the harvesting soil.
  • Always use gloves while carrying out gardening work.

Toxoplasmosis check-up for cats, directly at home.

To find out if your cat has been infected by the parasite Toxoplasma gondii , just make one simple laboratory analysis to verify the presence of antibodies.
The optimal solution? The check-ups Lab4Pets ! Strictly "vet approved", they allow you to test and monitor the well-being of your four-legged friend over time, in the comfort of home , avoiding anxiety and stress . In addition to Toxoplasmosis, Lab4Pets tests detect the presence of further protozoa and bacteria: order online what's right for him !

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