The first step to best deal with your pet's diarrhea is to understand the origin of the problem.
Did your dog have a sudden attack of diarrhea during your usual walk? While cleaning the litter box, did you notice that your cat's waste had an unusually liquid appearance? The topic is certainly not pleasant, but it needs to be explored further.
There diarrhea in fact it is one of most common disorders that pets can encounter and for which we turn more often to Veterinarian . It is a condition characterized by bowel movements that are more frequent than normal, with the production of a high volume of stools with altered consistency (soft/watery) . Sometimes they can also manifest themselves vomit , gastric pain , dehydration , fever, reduction in appetite and weight .
The main causes of diarrhea
Acute diarrhea in dogs and cats in itself is not a disease, but rather the symptom of various health problems . Below are some of the possible ones triggering factors .
- Food indiscretions . For example ingestion of irritating or toxic substances, changes in diet, food allergies and intolerances, overeating, diet too rich in carbohydrates or vegetable proteins.
- Bacterial, viral and intestinal parasitic infections . Among the microorganisms responsible for diarrhea we find Salmonella, Escherichia coli, Parvovirus and Paramyxovirus (Distemper), Coronavirus, Tritrichomonas, Giardia, Crypto.
- Extra-intestinal pathologies . Worth noting are those that cause digestive problems, such as pancreatic and hepatobiliary insufficiency.
Just as happens in humans, they can cause diarrhea as well the stress , temperature changes And the cold shocks .
What to do in case of diarrhea
In addition to discharges of diarrhea, your pet don't you have any other symptoms ? Is he playing and as lively as ever?
If your stool isn't completely liquid, try wait 24 hours to see if the discomfort resolves spontaneously. Leave anyway plenty of water available , because there could be a huge loss of essential fluids and electrolytes.
When it goes instead contacted the veterinarian promptly ? If the diarrhea lasts for beyond a day , the animal is pulled down , refuses food , vomits or there is blood in the stool . Same thing in the case
there are dogs and cats puppies or elderly : immune defenses tend to be less efficient in fighting infections and dehydration risks having more serious consequences.